Client: MEC3
Agency: Màgina
Location: Palazzo dei Congressi - Riccione
Technologies: Interactive Speech - Mocap - Visual Show
On the occasion of Sigep, the annual fair dedicated to the world of artisan icecream, ONE THOUSAND™ offers various technologies for the MEC3 Convention where the company presents new products
to its best international customers.
We have customized the appearance of our Avatar, transforming it into a master ice cream maker for the occasion. Thanks to our Interactive speech technology Miss Creamy has proved to be a perfect virtual assistant, taking the word to entertain the audience and interact in real time with the speakers on stage during the presentation of the new MEC3 product lines. And yes, she can also wink!

For the occasion we have reconstructed and animated the Cookie character in 3D, an iconic product very dear to MEC3. With the Face Mocap software for the Interactive Speech, the character acted as a shoulder to the presenter, interacting as her personal virtual assistant, animated from behind the scenes in real time by an actor.
For this show we used a particular bodysuit with Body Scanning sensors, worn by our dancer. The sensors, reading the performer’s movements, have replicated them digitally through a virtual alter ego that made it possible to create particular interactions with other digital elements on the screen, such as a dialogue between Man and Technology.

A themed performance accompanied by animated visuals on a mega screen that transported guests within the kingdom of ice cream, from the cascade of milk to the factory of delicious wonders. An in-house graphic production coordinated with the live performance of our dancers.